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Civilization Building
Inheriting the revolutionary genes and paying tribute to the old party members, the "I am a Red Army boy" theme volunteer service activity was successfully carried out

Inheriting the revolutionary genes and paying tribute to the old party members, the "I am a Red Army boy" theme volunteer service activity was successfully carried out

It is the 88th anniversary of the founding of the army. In order to further promote the healthy development of the youth group, on the morning of July 30, the Nanchang August Uprising Memorial Hall, together with Nanchang Zhilian and Qingyunpu Yide Service Club, launched the 'I am a Red Army boy' summer series to learn from Lei Feng Volunteering activities. A group of left-behind children, migratory children, and disabled children were specially organized to enter the Nanchang August Uprising Memorial Hall, to pay tribute to the revolutionary feelings of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries throwing their heads and shedding their blood, so as to increase the knowledge of the red and the revolutionary spirit in their hearts. Patriotism.
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Nanchang August Uprising Memorial Hall won the title of "The Fourth National Civilized Unit"

Nanchang August Uprising Memorial Hall won the title of "The Fourth National Civilized Unit"

 On the morning of June 29, 2015, the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held a conference on the creation of a "National Civilized City" and the deployment of urban management upgrading and upgrading. Gong Jianhua, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Call on the city's cadres and masses to make concerted efforts to create a new chapter of civilization.
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Museum Regulations

Museum Regulations

Article 1  These Regulations are formulated in order to promote the development of museums, give full play to the functions of museums, meet citizens' spiritual and cultural needs, and improve citizens' ideological, moral, scientific and cultural qualities.
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Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall learns from Lei Feng

Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall learns from Lei Feng's preaching theme education activities and enters Zhushi Primary School

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the publication of Chairman Mao's inscription "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". On the afternoon of March 7, Lin Yanping, a lecturer at the Nanchang Bayi Uprising Memorial Hall, walked into the second (5) class of Zhushi Primary School and brought a vivid lesson to the children. The theme education class - "Learn from Lei Feng's good example, love and transmit positive energy"
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Nanchang August 1 Uprising Memorial Hall launches "Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction" theme activity

Nanchang August 1 Uprising Memorial Hall launches "Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction" theme activity

To further promote the energy conservation work of public institutions, speed up the construction of energy-saving public institutions, and guide and drive the whole society to actively participate in energy and resource conservation, the Nanchang August 1 Uprising Memorial Hall, in accordance with the spirit of the documents of the relevant higher-level departments, closely focuses on the theme of "energy conservation and emission reduction", from 9 On the 8th, the advocacy campaign of "saving a drop of water, saving a kilowatt-hour of electricity, and saving a piece of paper" was launched. Everyone said that they will actively participate in the national energy conservation action, strive to be an example of energy conservation, and form a good fashion of "conservation and civilization, waste is shameful". By starting from bit by bit, starting from the side and starting from now, we will cherish resources and reduce energy consumption in every detail. Let energy conservation become an attitude, devote ourselves to the construction of a conservation-oriented society with a sense of responsibility as a master, create a healthy office environment, and make positive contributions to a diligent and thrifty society.
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Red September - the theme party day activities of the Bayi Hall are on the line

Red September - the theme party day activities of the Bayi Hall are on the line

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 11th plenary (enlarged) meeting of the 14th Provincial Party Committee and the 10th plenary (enlarged) meeting of the 11th Municipal Party Committee, around the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speeches and instructions, the Nanchang Bayi Uprising Based on the actual situation of the museum, the party branch of the memorial hall actively organized and carried out the theme party day activities of "learning, thinking, practicing, understanding, and fighting for demonstration" to enhance the sense of mission and responsibility of the majority of party members.
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