Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum 2021 Annual Department Budget Settlement

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Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum2021 Annual Department Final Accounts

Part OneNanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial MuseumOverview

1.UnitMain Responsibilities

2.UnitBasic Information

Part Two  2021YearUnit Final Accounts Table

1. Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Summary

2. Income Final Accounts Table

3. Expenditure Final Accounts Table

4. Financial Appropriation Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Summary

5. General Public Budget Financial Appropriation Expenditure Final Accounts Table

6. General Public Budget Financial Appropriation Basic Expenditure Final Accounts Table

7. General Public Budget Financial Appropriation"Three Public" Fund Expenditure Final Accounts


8. Government Fund Budget Financial Appropriation Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Table

9. State-owned Capital Operation Budget Financial Appropriation Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Table

10.State-owned Asset Occupation Situation Table

Part Three  2021AnnualUnitFinal Accounts Situation Explanation

1. Income Final Accounts Situation Explanation

2. Expenditure Final Accounts Situation Explanation

3. Financial Appropriation Expenditure Final Accounts Situation Explanation

4. General Public Budget Financial Appropriation Basic Expenditure Final Accounts Situation Explanation

5.General Public Budget Financial Appropriation"Three Public" Fund Expenditure Final Accounts

Situation Explanation

6. Agency Operation Fund Expenditure Situation Explanation

7. Government Procurement Expenditure Situation Explanation

8. State-owned Asset Occupation Situation Explanation

9. Budget Performance Situation Explanation

Part FourGlossary

Part One Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial MuseumOverview

1. Main Responsibilities of the Unit.

The Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum is a specialized memorial museum established to commemorate the Nanchang Uprising.,Itmanagesfive revolutionary sitesthe former site of the Nanchang Uprising Command, the former site of Ye Ting's Command, Zhu De's former residence, the former site of Zhu De's Officer Education Corps, and the former site of He Long's Command, all of which are key national cultural relics protection units.My museum's main responsibilities areto collect and exhibit cultural relics, promote national culture, specifically including: cultural relics collection, identification, cataloging, preservation, cultural relics exhibitions, cultural relics replication and restoration, research related to cultural relics, and publication of cultural relics.2. Basic Information of the Unit

The Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum has an office, a mass work department, a security department, an engineering department, a marketing department, and an exhibition department.

It has nine departments including the management department of Zhu De's former residence, the management department of He Long's former site, and the management department of Zhu De's Officer Education Corps.This unithad a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. (Retired personnel's salariesare paid by the unit in January and February, and from March onwards are included inthe pension insurance fund for retirement benefits.Annual Department

Part TwoNanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum2021Final Accounts TablePart Three Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum

2021 Unit Final Accounts Situation ExplanationIncome Final Accounts Situation Explanation

1.The total income for 2021 was 29.146 million yuan, of which the beginning balance and surplus was 2.141 million yuan, a decrease of 17.9628 million yuan compared to 2020, a decrease of 61%, of which the current year's income was 27.005 million yuan,

had a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. (a decrease of318,100 yuan2020compared to the previous year,a decline of%,1.2 the main reason is:the personnel funding appropriation decreased in 2021.

The specific composition of this year's income is:Financial appropriation income 27.005 million yuan (cultural and tourism income 23.9583 million yuan, social security and employment income 2.4604 million yuan, housing security income 1.1814 million yuan, urban and rural community income 1.5459 million yuan),accounting for 100 %; business income0million yuan, accounting for0%; operating income0million yuan, accounting for0%; other income0million yuan, accounting for0%.

2.Expenditure Final Accounts Situation Explanation

had a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. (The total expenditure for 2021 was 29.146 million yuan, of which the current year's expenditure was 29.146 million yuan, a decrease of 11.0853 million yuan compared to 2020, a reduction of 38%. The main reason is: a decrease in project expenditure.

The specific composition of this year's expenditure: basic expenditure10.8388 million yuan,accounting for37%,of which salary and welfare expenditure9.8431 million yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yeara decrease of1.0461 million yuan.A decrease of10%,the main reason isa reduction in bonus payments;expenditure on goods and services110.2 thousand yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yeara decrease of90.9 thousand yuan,.A decrease ofan increase ofthe main reason iswater and electricity fees included in the free open subsidy funds;expenditure on subsidies to individuals and families885.5 thousand yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yearan increase of856 thousand yuan,the main reasonis the salaries of retirees.the pension insurance fund for retirement benefits.Annual Department

Project expenditure18.3072 million yuan, accounting for 63. %.318,100 yuan2020compared to the previous year,11.0853 million yuan.A decrease of38%,the main reason isa decrease in special fund allocations and project expenditures. Among them,the special expenditure for the cultural tourism development of Nanchang City1.8611 million yuan, special expenditure for cultural relic protection 1.22 million yuan, expenditure for free opening of museums and memorials 11.1245 million yuan, additional operating expenses for museums 240 thousand yuan, special tourism expenditure for Jiangxi Province 208.7 thousand yuan, payment for occupational annuities for public institutions 1.901 million yuan, renovation project expenditure for the old site of the command headquarters 1.09 million yuan, one-time housing subsidy expenditure 206 thousand yuan, optimization of the Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum renovation project expenditure 455.9 thousand yuan.

Three ,Explanation of the final accounts of fiscal appropriation expenditures

had a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. (In 2021, the initial budget for fiscal appropriations was 12.6166 million yuan, and the final accounts amount was 28.6901 million yuan, achieving 100% of the initial budget, among which:

(1)Cultural tourism, sports, and mediaThe initial budget for expenditure was11.9209 million yuan, the final accounts amount was23.9583 million yuan, achieving the initial budget50the main reason is:with additional project expenditures..

(2)Social security and employmentThe initial budget for expenditure was2.4604 million yuan, the final accounts amount was2.4604 million yuan, achieving the initial budget of100%.

(3) Housing security expenditure initial budget1.1813 million yuan, the final accounts amount was 1.1813 million yuan, achieving the initial budget of100%.

(4) Expenditure for urban and rural communitiesinitial budget1.09 million yuan,the final accounts amount is 1.09 million yuan,achieving the initial budget of100%.

Four,Explanation of the final accounts of basic expenditures of the general public budget fiscal appropriation

had a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. (In 2021,the basic expenditure of the general public budget fiscal appropriation10.8388 million yuan, among which

(1)Salary and welfare expenditure9.8431 million yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yeara decrease of1.0461 million yuan.A decrease of10%,the main reason isa reduction in bonus payments.

(2) Expenditure on goods and services110.2 thousand yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yeara decrease of90.9 thousand yuan,.A decrease ofan increase ofthe main reason iswater and electricity fees included in the free open subsidy funds.

(3) Expenditure on subsidies to individuals and families885.5 thousand yuan,318,100 yuan2020Yearan increase of856 thousand yuan, an increase of 96%,the main reasonis the salaries of retirees.the pension insurance fund for retirement benefits.Annual Department

5.General Public Budget Financial AppropriationExplanation of the final accounts of "Three Public" expenditure

2021The general public budget fiscal appropriation for the yearThe initial budget for "Three Public" expenditure87 thousand yuan, the final accounts amount was28.5 thousand yuan, achieving % of the budget,33the final accounts amount increased by 2020an increase of21.4 thousand yuanan increase of75%.

  • Among them:The initial budget for official overseas (border) expenditure was20compared to the previous year,0 million yuan, the final accounts amount was 0 million yuan, achieving 0% of the budget, the final accounts amount decreased by 20

0 million yuan, a decrease of 0%. The main reason for the decrease in the final accounts amount compared to the initial budget is: no such expenditure, with 0 official overseas (border) groups arranged throughout the year, totaling 0 person-times, mainly: none.87 thousand yuan, the final accounts amount was28.5 thousand yuan, achieving % of the budget,(2) The initial budget for official reception expenses33%,2020an increase of21.4 thousand yuanan increase of75%.The main reason for the increase in the final accounts compared to the initial budget is: an increase in the number of official receptions. Throughout the year, there were 16 batches of domestic official receptions, totaling 221 person-times, with 0 batches of foreign affairs receptions and 0 person-times. The official receptions mainly involved meals for exchanges with brother units and research receptions for higher-level supervisory departments such as the People's Daily and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.16批,累计接待221人次,其中外事接待0批,累计接待0人次,公务接待主要是兄弟单位学习交流的接待用餐,上级主管部门人民日报社、国家文旅部等单位的调研接待用餐。

(3) Expenditure on the purchase and operation maintenance of official vehicles0 million yuan, where the initial budget for the purchase of official vehicles was 0 million yuan, and the final accounts were 0 million yuan, completing 0% of the budget. The final accounts decreased by 0 million yuan compared to 2020, a decrease of 0%, mainly because there were no such expenditures, with 0 official vehicles purchased throughout the year. The expenditure on the operation maintenance of official vehicles had an initial budget of 0 million yuan, and the final accounts were 0 million yuan, completing 0% of the budget. The final accounts increased (decreased) by 0 million yuan compared to 2020, an increase (decrease) of 0%, mainly because there were no such expenditures, and at the end of the year, there were 0 official vehicles retained. The main reason for the increase (decrease) in the final accounts compared to the initial budget is: no such expenditures.

Six,Explanation of the expenditure situation of the agency's operating funds

This unit is not an administrative unit or a public institution managed according to the civil servant law, so there are no operating fund expenditures.

Seven,Explanation of government procurement expenditure

had a total of 60 actual personnel at the end of 2021, including 60 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); there were 38 other personnel at the end of the year; there were 0 students at the end of the year; there were 38 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund. ( 2021 fiscal yearGovernment procurement expenditureTotal amount8.0596 millionYuan, of which government procurement of goods expenditure is73300, Government procurement engineering expenditure2.4851 millionYuan, government procurement service expenditure5.5012 millionYuan. The contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises 741.4810,000 yuan, accounting for the total amount of government procurement expenditure of92%,6.53million yuan, accounting forThe contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprisesof which: the contract amount awarded to micro and small enterprises is0.9%;货物采购授予中小企业合同金额占货物支出金额的30%, the contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises in engineering procurement accounts for 12% of the engineering expenditure, and the contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises in service procurement accounts for 58% of the service expenditure.

Eight,Explanation of state-owned asset occupation situation

As ofDecember 31, 2021, the state-owned asset occupation situation of this department can be found in the public table 10 "State-owned Asset Occupation Situation Table", and there are no state-owned asset occupation situations.

Nine,Explanation of budget performance situation

(1)The situation of performance management work.

According to the requirements of budget performance management, IUnitorganized a comprehensive self-evaluation ofthe secondary projects included in2021Annualthe department's budget scope.The total amount involved is 010,000 yuan, accounting for the total expenditure of general public budget projects of0One, income items0%.

Part Four Glossary

(1) Fiscal appropriation: refers to the funds allocated by the provincial finance in the current year.

(2) Business income: refers to the income obtained by public institutions from carrying out professional business activities and auxiliary activities.

(3) Operating income of public institutions: refers to the income obtained by public institutions from non-independent accounting business activities outside of professional business activities and auxiliary activities.

(4) Other income: refers to all income other than fiscal appropriations, business income, and operating income of public institutions.

(5) Income paid by affiliated units: reflects the income paid by independent accounting units affiliated with public institutions according to the prescribed standards or proportions. This includes income paid by affiliated public institutions and profits paid by affiliated enterprises.

(6) Subsidy income from higher authorities: reflects the non-fiscal subsidy income obtained by public institutions from supervisory units and higher authorities.

(7) Use of business funds to make up for the income and expenditure gap: fill in the amount of business funds used by public institutions to make up for the income and expenditure gap in subsequent years.

(8) Carryover and surplus from the previous year: fill in

the total amount of carryover and surplus funds from 2020, including the carryover and surplus funds for the current year and the carryover and surplus funds from previous years.Two, expenditure items

(1) Social security and employment expenditure (category) administrative public institution pension expenditure (item) administrative unit retirement (item): reflects the retirement expenses incurred by administrative units (including public institutions implementing civil servant management).

(2) Social security and employment expenditure (category) administrative public institution pension expenditure (item) basic pension insurance contribution expenditure of administrative public institutions (item): reflects the basic pension insurance expenditure paid by administrative public institutions implementing the pension insurance system.

(3) Social security and employment expenditure (category) administrative public institution pension expenditure (item) occupational annuity contribution expenditure of administrative public institutions (item): reflects the occupational annuity expenditure actually paid by administrative public institutions implementing the pension insurance system.

(4) Housing security expenditure (category) housing reform expenditure (item) housing provident fund (item): reflects the housing provident fund paid by administrative public institutions according to the basic salary and allowances stipulated by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance, as well as the prescribed proportion for employees.

(5) Housing security expenditure (category) housing reform expenditure (item) housing purchase subsidy (item): reflects the subsidies provided by administrative public institutions to eligible employees (including retirees) and military personnel (including armed police) for purchasing housing according to housing reform policies.


(六)"Three Public Expenses": Reflects the financial allocation for official overseas travel expenses, purchase and operating costs of official vehicles, and official reception expenses. Among them, official overseas travel expenses reflect the international travel costs, intercity transportation costs, accommodation fees, meal expenses, training fees, and miscellaneous expenses incurred by the unit for official overseas trips; the purchase and operating costs of official vehicles reflect the purchase costs (including vehicle purchase tax) and rental fees, fuel costs, maintenance fees, tolls, insurance fees, safety reward expenses, etc.; official reception expenses reflect the expenditures for official receptions (including foreign guest receptions) as stipulated by the unit.

(7) Operating expenses of agencies: Refers to the funds arranged by general public budget financial allocations for the operation of administrative units (including public institutions managed according to the civil servant law) used to purchase goods and services, including office expenses, printing fees, postal and telecommunications fees, travel expenses, conference fees, welfare expenses, daily maintenance fees, special materials and general equipment purchase fees, water and electricity fees for office premises, heating fees for office premises, property management fees for office premises, operating and maintenance costs of official vehicles, and other expenses.