Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum 2022 Final Accounts Public Disclosure

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The Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum is a specialized memorial established to commemorate the Nanchang Uprising. It manages five revolutionary historical sites: the former headquarters of the Nanchang Uprising, the former headquarters of Ye Ting, the former residence of Zhu De, the former site of the Zhu De Military Education Corps, and the former headquarters of He Long, all of which are key national cultural relics protection units. The main responsibilities of our museum include collecting and exhibiting cultural relics, promoting national culture, which specifically includes: collecting, appraising, cataloging, and preserving cultural relics; organizing exhibitions; replicating and restoring cultural relics; conducting research related to cultural relics; and publishing promotional materials about cultural relics.

Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum2022 Annual Unit Final Accounts

Table of Contents Record

Part One Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial MuseumOverview

I.UnitMain Responsibilities

II.UnitBasic Information

Part Two  2022YearUnit Final Accounts Table

I. Total Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Table

II. Income Final Accounts Table

III. Expenditure Final Accounts Table

IV. Total Income and Expenditure Final Accounts Table for Financial Allocations

V. Expenditure Final Accounts Table for General Public Budget Financial Allocations

VI. Basic Expenditure Final Accounts Table for General Public Budget Financial Allocations

VII.Final Accounts Table for Government Fund Budget Financial Allocations Income and Expenditure

VIII.Final Accounts Table for State-owned Capital Operation Budget Financial Allocations Income and Expenditure

IX.Financial AllocationsFinal Accounts Table for "Three Public" Expenditure

X.State-owned Asset Occupation Situation Table

Part Three  2022AnnualUnitFinal Accounts Situation Explanation

I. Explanation of Income Final Accounts Situation

II. Explanation of Expenditure Final Accounts Situation

III. Explanation of Financial Allocations Expenditure Final Accounts Situation

IV. Explanation of Basic Expenditure Final Accounts Situation for General Public Budget Financial Allocations

V.Financial AllocationsExplanation of "Three Public" Expenditure Final Accounts Situation

VI. Explanation of Agency Operating Expenses Expenditure Situation

VII. Explanation of Government Procurement Expenditure Situation

VIII. Explanation of State-owned Asset Occupation Situation

IX. Explanation of Budget Performance Situation

Part FourGlossary

Part One Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial MuseumOverview

I. Main Responsibilities of the Unit.

The Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum is a specialized memorial museum established to commemorate the Nanchang Uprising.Itmanagesfive revolutionary sitesthe former site of the Nanchang Uprising Command, the former site of Ye Ting's Command, Zhu De's former residence, the former site of Zhu De's Officer Education Corps, and the former site of He Long's Command, all of which are key cultural relics protected at the national level.总指挥部旧址、叶挺指挥部旧址、朱德旧居、朱德军官教育团旧址、贺龙指挥部旧址均为全国重点文物保护单位Our museum's main responsibilities areto collect and exhibit cultural relics, promote national culture, specifically including: collection, identification, cataloging, preservation of cultural relics, exhibitions, replication and restoration of cultural relics, research related to cultural relics, and publication of cultural relics.

II. Basic Information of the Unit

The Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum hasnine internal institutions: namelyOffice, Mass Work Department, Security Section, Engineering Department, Marketing Department, Exhibition Department, Zhu De's Former Residence Management Section, He Long's Command Former Site Management Section, Zhu De's Officer Education Corps Former Site Management Section.This unithad a total of 61 actual personnel at the end of 2022, including 61 active personnel, 0 retired personnel, and 0 retired personnel (excluding those receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund); 39 other personnel at the end of the year; 0 students at the end of the year; and 39 retired personnel receiving pensions from the pension insurance fund.

Part Two Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum2022YearUnitFinal Accounts Table

Part Three Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Museum2022 Unit Final Accounts Situation Explanation

I.Explanation of Income Final Accounts Situation

This unitThe total income for 2022 was 39.4525 million yuan,of which the carry-over and surplus at the beginning of the year was0million yuan, an increase (decrease2021)million yuan, a growth (decline0%); the total income for this year wasmillion yuan, a growth (decline0 million yuan,3945.25an increase of1244.75 million2021Yearyuan,an increase%,the main reason is:31the project funding allocation increased in 2022.The specific composition of this year's income is: financial allocation incomemillion yuan

(cultural and tourism income 3945.25万元(文化和旅游收入2.8 million yuan, museum income 37.6141 million yuan, other social security and employment income 701,400 yuan, housing security income 1.137 million yuan), accounting for 100 %; business income0million yuan, accounting for0%; operating income0million yuan, accounting for0%; other income0million yuan, accounting for0%.

II.Explanation of expenditure final accounts

This unitTotal expenditure for 2022 is 39.4525 million yuan,of which current year expenditure totalsmillion3945.25million yuan, an increase (decrease2021increased by1030.65million yuan, an increase of26 %, the main reason is:Increased project funding expenditure.

The specific composition of current year expenditure is:Basic expenditure32.7873 million yuan,accounting for83%, of which salary and welfare expenditure12.1604 million%,1244.75 million2021Yearyuan,2.3173 millionyuan, an increase of:19%, the main reason isthe increase in personnel funding; expenditure on goods and services20.4971 million20.3869 million%,1244.75 million2021Yearyuan,99%, theyuan, an increase of:special funds for free opening subsidies are allocated under the goods and services expenditure category. Subsidies to individuals and familiesthe increase in personnel funding; expenditure on goods and services58,000decreased%,1244.75 million2021Year827,500, a decrease of 140%, the main reasonis that last year's retirees' salarieswere paid by the unit in January and February, and from March onwards were included inthe pension insurance fund for retirement payments, this year all retirement payments are made from the pension insurance fund,Capital expenditureThere was no such expenditure in the basic expenditure of 2021.. 7.18million yuan, an increase (decrease2021increased by7.18million yuan, an increase of100%, the main reason is:Project expenditure6.6652 million yuan, accounting for 63

     decreased bymillion %6.6652 million yuan, accounting for 631244.75 million2021a decrease of1164.20170%,yuanthe reduction in special fund allocations led to a decrease in project expenditure. Among them,other cultural and tourism expenditurethe increase in personnel funding; expenditure on goods and services280,000 yuan, reallocated 2.313 million yuan for the free opening of the Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall, 1.4595 million yuan for the "Colorful August 1st" building block experience activity in 2022, 2.4967 million yuan for the August 1st Cultural Arts Festival in 2022, 36,000 yuan for museum and memorial hall exemption adjustment, 800,000 yuan for Jiangxi Province cultural development special funds.Three,

Explanation of financial allocation expenditure final accounts In 2022, the initial budget for financial allocations was 39.4525 million yuan, and the final accounts amount was 39.4525 million yuan, achieving 100% of the initial budget. Among them:(1) Cultural tourism, sports, and media expenditure initial budget was

This unit37.6141 million yuan, final accounts amount was 37.6141 million yuan, achieving 100% of the initial budget, the main reason is that expenditures were made according to the budget.

(2) Social security and employment

expenditureinitial budget wasmillion yuan, a growth (decline701,400final accounts amount wasYear701,400 yuan, achieving 100% of the initial budget, the main reason is that expenditures were made according to the budget.Housing security expenditure%,initial budget was1.137 million yuan, final accounts amount was 1.137 million yuan, achieving 100% of the initial budget, the main reason is that expenditures were made according to the budget.

expenditureExplanation of financial allocation expenditure final accountsmillion yuan, a growth (declineFour,Explanation of basic expenditure final accounts of general public budget financial allocationsIn 2022

basic expenditure of general public budget financial allocationsAmong them:

This unit1) Salary and welfare expenditureIncrease in personnel funding;32.7873 million yuan,2) Expenditure on goods and services

expenditureSpecial funds for free opening subsidies are allocated under the goods and services expenditure category.3) Subsidies to individuals and families12.1604 million%,1244.75 million2021Yearyuan,2.3173 millionyuan, an increase of:19%, the main reason isthe increase in personnel funding; expenditure on goods and services827,500,

expenditureinitial budget wasthe pension insurance fund pays retirement benefits, this year all retirement benefits are paid from the pension insurance fund.20.3869 million%,1244.75 million2021Yearyuan,99%, theyuan, an increase of:special funds for free opening subsidies are allocated under the goods and services expenditure category. Subsidies to individuals and familiesthe increase in personnel funding; expenditure on goods and servicesFour

expenditureExplanation of financial allocation expenditure final accountsdegreedecreased%,1244.75 million2021Year827,500, a decrease of 140%, the main reason"Three public" expenditurewere paid by the unit in January and February, and from March onwards were included inthe pension insurance fund for retirement payments, this year all retirement payments are made from the pension insurance fund,Capital expenditureAnnual

expenditurebudget amountmillion yuan, a growth (decline. 7.18million yuan, an increase (decrease2021increased by7.18million yuan, an increase of100%, the main reason is:Project expenditure6.6652 million yuan, accounting for 63

V.Financial AllocationsExplanation of "Three Public" Expenditure Final Accounts Situation

This unit2022Year87,000Financial Allocationsyuan, final accounts amount is36,500预算数8.7万元,决算数为3.65万Yuan, completion36,500Budgeted42%, the final accounts are compared to 2021a decrease of0.08 million%,Decrease22%. Among them:

expenditureSpecial funds for free opening subsidies are allocated under the goods and services expenditure category.) Official overseas (border) expenditure36,500The budget amount is0 million yuan, the final accounts amount to 0 million yuan, completion36,500Budgeted0%, the final accounts are compared to 2021a decrease of0 million yuan,Increase0%, the main reason is: no such expenditure, a total of 0 official overseas (border) groups arranged throughout the year, totaling 0 person-times, mainly for:

(2) Official reception expenses36,500预算数61,000元,决算数为11,300Yuan, completion36,500Budgeted19%, the main reason isThe final accounts are compared to2021a decrease of172,000Yuan, reduced100%.The main reason for the reduction in the final accounts compared to the initial budget is: the number of official receptions has decreased. Throughout the yearDomestic official receptions11 batches, a total of 96 person-times, including 0 foreign affairs receptions, a total of 0 person-times, official receptions are mainly for meals for exchanges with brother units, and meals for research receptions from higher-level authorities such as the People's Daily and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

(3) Official vehicle purchase and operation maintenance expenses0 million yuan, of which official vehicle purchases36,500The budget amount is0 million yuan, the final accounts amount to 0 million yuan, completion36,500Budgeted0%, the final accounts increased by 0 million yuan compared to 2021, an increase of 0%, the main reason is no such expenditure, a total of 0 official vehicles purchased throughout the year. The main reason for the increase (decrease) in the final accounts compared to the annual budget is no such expenditure. The annual budget for official vehicle operation maintenance expenses is 26,000 yuan, the final accounts amount to 25,200 yuan, completing 97% of the annual budget, the final accounts increased by 25,200 yuan compared to 2021, an increase of 100%, the main reason is that there was no such expenditure in 2021, and at the end of the year, there is 1 official vehicle retained. The final accounts compared to36,500The main reason for the reduction in the budget amount is: this expenditure has decreased.

Six,Explanation of the operating expenses of the agency

This unit is not an administrative unit or a public institution managed according to the civil servant law, so there are no operating expenses.

Seven,Explanation of government procurement expenditures

 This unit1) Salary and welfare expenditureGovernment procurement expendituresTotal amount9.478 millionYuan, of which: government procurement of goods expenditure3.8584 million%, Government procurement engineering expenditure370,800Yuan, government procurement service expenditure5.2488 millionYuan.The contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises 868.21Ten thousand yuan, accounting for91% of the total government procurement expenditure, of which: the contract amount awarded to micro and small enterprises8.06million yuan, accounting forThe contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprisesof0.9%; the contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises for goods procurement accounts for30%, the contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises for engineering procurement accounts for 14% of the engineering expenditure amount, and the contract amount awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises for service procurement accounts for 56% of the service expenditure amount.

Eight,Explanation of state-owned asset occupation

As ofDecember 31, 2022, the state-owned asset occupation situation of this department is shown in the public table 10 "State-owned Asset Occupation Situation Table." Among them: other vehicles in the vehicle category mainly include 1 general official vehicle.

Nine, explanation of budget performance evaluation


根据预算绩效管理要求,我Unit组织对纳入2022Annual部门预算范围的二级项目 0个全面开展绩效自评,共涉及资金0万元,占一般公共预算项目支出总额的0%.

Part Four Glossary









(5) Housing security expenditure (category) housing reform expenditure (item) housing purchase subsidy (sub-item): reflects the subsidies provided by administrative and public institutions to eligible employees (including retirees) and the military (including armed police) for purchasing housing, as stipulated by housing reform policies.

(6)"Three public expenses": refers to the expenses for official overseas travel, purchase and operation of official vehicles, and official reception expenses arranged by financial allocations. Among them, official overseas travel expenses reflect the international travel expenses, intercity transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, meal expenses, training expenses, and miscellaneous expenses incurred by the unit for official overseas travel; official vehicle purchase and operation expenses reflect the purchase (including vehicle purchase tax) and rental fees, fuel fees, maintenance fees, toll fees, insurance fees, and safety reward expenses for official vehicles; official reception expenses reflect the expenses incurred by the unit for official receptions (including foreign guest receptions) as per regulations.

(7) Operating expenses of agencies: refers to the funds arranged by financial allocations to ensure the operation of administrative units (including public institutions managed according to civil servant law) for purchasing goods and services, including office expenses, printing expenses, postal and telecommunications expenses, travel expenses, conference expenses, welfare expenses, daily maintenance expenses, special materials and general equipment purchase expenses, water and electricity expenses for office premises, heating expenses for office premises, property management fees for office premises, operation and maintenance fees for official vehicles, and other expenses.